Little Journey Recommended as Best Practice by APAGBI

Little Journey were referenced as “a useful strategy to help prepare children for surgery or procedures” in the latest Best Practice Guidance by APAGBI

Little Journey were delighted to be referenced by name as “a useful strategy to help prepare children for surgery or procedures” in the latest Best Practice Guidance released by The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (APAGBI). 


This paper, endorsed by the Royal College of Anaesthetists, is based on published evidence, presented evidence and recommendations from an expert panel of clinicians. 
This endorsement recognises the invaluable contribution that Little Journey makes in enabling children and their families to access peri-procedural psychological preparation, support and information, all from the comfort and safety of their own home. 


The Little Journey team anticipate this testimonial will help spread the word, enabling us to support more children to better health. 


You can read the full guidance here:


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Module 1 - Preparation & Support-1



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